Monday, April 12, 2010

Poor Laura.

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me.
Director: David Lynch
I recently watched the full series of Twin peaks and loved it. I have always been meaning to watch it. I love David Lynch. I think it's Rad to be able to watch a film and pick the director's style out straight away. He is so unique. I feel uncomfortable watching some of his films and Twin Peaks was no exception. Bob makes me squirm and I am sure he was in the bathroom last night. Fire Walk With Me is a Prelude to the series. We finally get to see what really happened to Laura Palmer and watch through squinted eyes as we..........hang on, I was just about to write about her killer. I wont. I was unfortunately told who killed Laura Palmer!!! It was SO frustrating!!! Ahhhhh the whole series is based around WHO killed her and some meat head blurted it out.
It reminded me of another big spoiler. Im sure everyone has seen this film so Im not bursting any bubbles. I was at the movie theatre, about to see The Sixth Sense. A girl in the next cubicle said in a loud voice "I cant believe Bruce Willis was Dead the whole time!!!" Can. You. Believe. It!!!
I enjoyed Fire walk with me. It was pretty horrible and I felt that Lynch uncomfortableness but his originality, weirdly timed humour and unforgettable characters always win me over.
Oh and I only recently discovered that David Lynch directed The Elephant Man. Oh my goodness isn't that movie just amazing! It is so heartbreaking. Oh I could ramble now. I'll stop myself. John Hurt is so good. And Anthony Hopkins. Ok Stop.


  1. david lynch - the straight story.

    i was watching channel V one christmas day a million years ago, when they were reminiscing about the year. one of the presenters was miffed about some guy giving away the secret that Bruce was dead in the sixth sense......thanks, i hadn't seen that one yet! yep, spoiler. i hope we havent spoilt it for anyone.

  2. The most tragic movie ever! Still scarred by it 20 years later.. (The Elephant Man that is, not The Sixth Sense).
