Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The Clash Of The Titans
Director: Louis Leterrier
Starring: Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes, Gemma Arterton.
There is one reason I didnt walk out of this movie. I needed to sit in the dark for 2 hours. Sometimes I think movies are my therapy and I was happy to sit in a pitch black room and think about life. Most of the time the movie takes over and I get the best therapy of all: a great film. I love to get lost in fantasy. I am an escapist at the best of times and even though I knew this movie would be a bit silly, I thought it could be a fun action with some killer fight scenes. I was wrong. So wrong. I can not say one good thing about Clash Of The Titans. Not one thing. Where do I begin and do I even bother? The COSTUMES!!!!! I could see actual sewing machine overlocking on tunics! Gosh Zeus must have loved his Barina5000! The wigs....oh my! The special effects were not special. The script made me laugh out loud. I actually pictured Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes faces when they read it for the first time. I'm not going to comment on the acting. At one point I actually sat sideways so I could look at a dark wall and get back to the movie in my head. This movie was unbelievably Terrible. Put it this way: The Mummy is a masterpiece next to this puppy.
Could it be worse than Troy? Wow, that's saying something! Why can't Hollywood get mythology right? There are so many great classical stories. I recently rewatched Troy and really enjoyed hating it. Myself and one of my Favourite people watched it and laughed as we tore it apart scene by scene. I have never seen such a great story so terribly told. Brad seemed to think it was 'The Brad Pitt Show'. I'm trying to think of a mythological adaptation that I actually like. I quite liked Beowulf. I possibly think that seeing Angelina Jolie Nude, covered in gold may have swayed me. Gold Boobs=Rad.

1 comment:

  1. The mummy sucked, Clash of the titans rocked.

    Also, Troy is in many ways, factual, though some adaptions were made to fit audiences.

    Stop crying and enjoy good movies. You want pure facts? Go read the Illiad. It appears you try to convince people you have, but you comment as though you haven't.

    Either way, I got here through the image of golden angelina, but I can tell you I will not come back, nor will I continue looking at your blog here, which by the way needs a major makeover.
