Tuesday, April 20, 2010


The Edge Of Darkness
Director: Martin Campbell
Starring Mel Gibson, ray Winestone.
The problem is, I didn't make it to the end of this film. I'm not sure if my thoughts and comments will be complete really as this is a bit of a 'Who done it?' thriller and I failed to see who did it! I must say that I always enjoy Mel Gibson. I don't love a lot of films he is in but I just like looking at his head! I believe him. It has been a long time since we have seen Mel on screen. He has spent many years directing some incredible films. The Passion of Christ was such a harrowing film. I felt ill after watching it and remember sobbing at the cinema. Apocalypto was incredible too but a bit too full on for me. Early on in the film a baby gets strung up and killed and I was pretty much squirming from that point onwards. The Edge Of Darkness is a fast paced violent thriller with a very confronting opening scene. I love a good thriller. I watched 'Taken' last year with Liam Neeson and this reminded me a little of that. The plot is a little more convoluted in this one. Ray Winstone is as watchable as ever. What is it about him? He is so damn sexy. There is a scene where Mel and Ray have a undercover conversation on a park bench and Ray is drinking a glass of Red. You just know that Ray suggested that. So Rad. Im rambling today. My thoughts are all over the shop.
That movie in my head is playing again and I can't concentrate. Nice to see you again Mel.

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