Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Please don't zoom in.

Stupid And The City
Director: An Idiot
Starring: Raisons.
I promised myself I wouldn't see this film. I got on a plane to NZ and low and behold the film on show was 'Sex And The City 2'. After sitting through the first movie (and paying money to see it), I decided not to ruin one of my favourite TV shows with this embarrassing, insulting and quite frankly 'OLD' gig. But I love a plane movie so I watched it. What a shocker! The show was so brilliant in it's day. So witty and well written. What the HELL happened??? I can't actually put into words how much I hated it. This movie was utterly despicable on every level.
After every movie I see, I read the NY Times review as I find them quite thorough and funny. I couldn't say it better so Im going to leave my rant and post the review instead. If you've seen the film (poor you) read it. But for the record.... I will NEVER get drunk and toast 'Mum's without nannies'. I will NEVER create a storyline revolved around man getting a TV installed in the bedroom. I will NEVER walk into a room of devout Muslim women to find them reading "Susan Sommer's guide to Menopause'. I will NEVER sing 'I am Women' to a room full of token stereotypes. I will NEVER pick the top 5 most obvious boring and cliched issues that women face and plop them into a shallow soulless script. Miranda and your sexist boss, Samantha and your visit to a fuck free country, Charlotte and your too hot nanny and Carrie and your god forsaken imaginary problems......please go away and leave me to my dvds of your once great show.

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