Saturday, February 19, 2011

La Mamma Morta.

News released today that a movie is to be made about my Maria Callas. Seems silly to call her mine as she has a legion of fans. But Maria has been in my heart and mind for many many years now. My Mum took me to see Madame Butterfly when I was about 14 and I soon fell in love with all the great operas- most of which I've seen a few times. Maria was the true queen of the opera world. She was the driving force in my creative endevours. I have been slowly but surely working on a film idea about a very specific period of her life. It seems my idea was a little too ambitious for lil' old me and the big wigs in hollywood have picked it up.
I'm sad to hear this film is being made. It was my dream.
I only hope they do her justice. I only hope Eva Mendes isn't just a pretty face. Maria Callas is an intensely complex woman who could easily be portrayed as a Diva with no heart. Her love affair with Aristotle Onassis was one of tabloid fodder.  This story shouldn't be sensationalised.
I'm sad today. It will take me a while to find something I'm this passionate about.

Here is a beautiful quote Anthony sent me that I have on my really sums up the story I wanted to tell:

There are times when certain people are blessed--and cursed--with an extraordinary gift, in which the gift is almost greater than the human being. Callas was one of these people. It was as if her own wishes, her life, her own happiness were all subservient to this incredible, incredible gift.

Here was my movie poster:

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