Thursday, February 10, 2011

Imagine all the girls

Nowhere Boy
Director: Sam Taylor Wood
Starring Aaron Johnson, Kirsten Scott Thomas

Here's the thing about this film. If you took away the fact the troubled youth in this movie becomes one of the greatest song writers of all time John Lennon, would it be a great story?
Of course knowing that he does indeed leave his trouble's behind and become one of The Beatles is of interest but this small melodramatic story left me feeling very little.
Aaron Johnson is very very lovely to look at. So lovely in fact, that the director Sam Taylor Wood fell for him and they are now together and with child. This was quite the scandal in the UK as he is more than 20 years her junior. This garnered a lot of interest in the film at the time of it's release.
People wanted to see, not only Lennon, but the formidable Sam Taylor Wood's new muse.
This is her first feature film. She is famous for her beautiful photography and moving art which I'm a big fan of. She has a huge following and many fans already.
I went to an amazing exhibition of hers years ago. She set up a camera in David Beckham's bedroom and filmed him sleeping for days on end. Sounds odd I know, but it was mesmerising to watch something so beautiful and so intimate with someone who's face you know so well.
Another series she did that I loved was pictures of actor's crying. If you get a chance to check out her work- do.
I was interested to see her first foray into film. But I wasn't blown away by this at all.
I didn't dislike it. I just didn't love it. Lennon's relationship with both his estranged Mother and strict Aunt was interesting but it didn't emotionally win me over. I felt like I was just going through the narrative motions without truly feeling for him and his situation.
I'd be interested to hear what people thought of this. are one lucky lady.

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