Sunday, June 19, 2011

It had to start somewhere.

I can't wait any longer for the new version of Jane Eyre to come out. I just can not wait. It isn't out until August 20 and I'm fed up. I've posted twice about this film.

Next to Steppenwolf, Jane Eyre is quite easily one of my favourite literary characters.
Before I fell in love with Pride and Prejudice and Mr Darcy my Mum introduced me to Jane Eyre. She owned the BBC series on video and we watched it together many times. I used to come home from school and watch it again and again.

Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre portrays the development of a thinking and passionate young woman who's desire for a full life conflicts with her conventionally high morals. Jane suffers much in her younger years. She eventually finds herself working for the incredibly wealthy and incredibly cruel Mr Edward Fairfax Rochester. While Jane is plain and poor, something in her ignites a passion in Mr Rochester that forces him to bury his households secrets. He does not succumb to his passion and instead torments Jane and forces her to flee.

I won't tell you any more but I highly recommend you see it or even better, read it.

Timothy Dalton played Mr Rochester and I clearly remember being both completely terrified of him and completely in love with him.

It got me thinking: Isn't is amazing how young you can convince yourself that you are in LOVE with a character or a movie star. I have such vivid memories of loving Mr Rochester with all my heart.  He was so cruel, so sinister, and so utterly confounding and yet I was mesmerised by his unattainably.
I felt Jane's pain and desperately wanted him to love her (and me). 
I would have only been about 10-12 when I watched this show but I truly felt I knew what love was. There's something so lovely in that youthful naivety.

Like many many girls my first love was Johnny Depp. I remember saving up and buying 2 copies of the TV hits Johnny Depp poster book so I could put up both sides of each page on my wall.
I wallpapered my entire room with his face. I had deeply overwhelming feelings of love (and perhaps even lust) for him. I remember being astounded by his beauty and imagined kissing him over and over.
I would lie in my bed and just imagine him talking to me or smiling at me. I felt a pain in my heart knowing he would never be mine.

In my early teens I experienced an incredibly intense love for a real person, but someone that to this day I have never actually met. My Mum took me to a play. It was Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. The Character  Malvolio was played by a teenage actor  from a neighbouring high school called Thomas La Hood. It was the first time I had seen Shakespeare done well. I was absolutely smitten.

Shortly after seeing this play I went to stay with my Grandparents on their farm. I would spend my days walking around the garden imagining Thomas La Hood there with me. I would imagine him rescuing me from a storm (ala Jane Austen) and I used to have this recurring vision of him and I kissing in a cave while we sheltered from the rain! Ha! What an absolute goose I am.
Thomas La Hood is actually a good friend of my pal Charlotte's. Only a few years ago she told me that she'd been to Thomas' wedding. I couldn't help but feel like I'd lost my first love. HA!

My obsessions moved to musicians in later years. I was infatuated with Damon Albarn and was so happy when my amazing Mum told me that if I wanted Damon Albarn, I could have him.
Thanks Mum.

In my later years my obsession with film and also with actors is far more professional and far less whimsical.
It is always a lovely feeling to see someone in a film and be carried away by their beauty and talent though isn't it.

Today's teenagers are smitten with the likes of Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautiner and Zac Efron. I don't think these boys are a patch on my Johnny or my Rochestor or even my Malvolio.
But I understand your hearts you lovely young things.
I hope those boys are hiding in caves with you in your dreams.

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